Hymn:It's Easy To Surrender
Words:John Campbell
Music:William Harold Ferguson (1874-1950)
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Verse 1
It’s easy to surrender 
to half-acknowledged fear, 
to urges and emotions 
we sense are always there. 
It’s hard to let the Gospel 
then question what we feel, 
restructuring commitments, 
transforming, keeping real. 
Verse 2
It’s deep within our nature 
to stand up for our own, 
defend from threats and dangers, 
whatever we call ‘home’, 
but surely Jesus challenged 
the limits we’d maintain, 
for all, to Him, are fam’ly; 
our walls are built in vain. 
Verse 3
Each age finds fresh excuses 
to speak of ‘us’ and ‘them’; 
migrations, wars and famines 
come back, and back again, 
yet, always, God of migrants, 
You summon us to care; 
we much not limit welcome 
but learn to love and share. 
Verse 4
So, now, whatever dangers 
or threats might multiply, 
Great God, grant us the courage 
to follow You and try 
to live out love that welcomes, 
finds friendship ev’rywhere; 
to immigrate to kindness 
and never move from there. 
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