Hymn:Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation
Tune:Westminster Abbey
Words:translated by J M Neale (1818-66)
Music:Henry Purcell (1659-95)
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Verse 1
Christ is made the sure foundation, 
Christ, our head and cornerstone, 
chosen of the Lord and precious, 
binding all the Church in one; 
holy Zion’s help forever 
and our confidence alone. 
Verse 2
To this temple, where we call you, 
come, O Lord of hosts, and stay; 
come with all your lovingkindness, 
hear your people as they pray; 
and your fullest benediction 
speak within these walls today. 
Verse 3
Grant, we pray, to all your faithful 
all the gifts they ask to gain; 
what they gain from you forever 
with the blessed to retain; 
And hereafter in your glory 
evermore with you to reign. 
Verse 4
Praise and honor to the Father, 
praise and honor to the Son, 
praise and honor to the Spirit, 
ever three and ever one: 
one in might and one in glory 
while unending ages run! 
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