Hymn:Glory Be To Jesus
Words:translated by Edward Caswall (1814-78)
Music:Friedrich Filitz (1804-76)
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Verse 1
Glory be to Jesus, 
who, in bitter pains 
poured for me the lifeblood 
from his sacred veins! 
Verse 2
Grace and life eternal 
in that blood I find; 
blest be his compassion, 
infinitely kind! 
Verse 3
Blest through endless ages 
be the precious stream 
which from endless torments 
did the world redeem! 
Verse 4
Abel's blood for vengeance 
pleaded to the skies; 
but the blood of Jesus 
for our pardon cries. 
Verse 5
Oft as earth exulting 
wafts its praise on high, 
angel hosts rejoicing 
make their glad reply. 
Verse 6
Lift we, then, our voices, 
swell the mighty flood, 
louder still and louder 
praise the precious blood! 
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